E Supercat

CaptainJosh Bradley Irish 0
ChefLiudmila Kolomeitseva Buryat 0
Number of Crew: 3Languages:

Crew Profiles:
Name: Josh Bradley
Position: Captain
Languages: English, Irish

Growing up in the southern coast of Ireland, Josh's love for the outdoors came naturally. He first started sailing at the age of seven on a family vacation and hasn't looked back since. At eighteen, Josh moved to Mallorca to pursue a career onboard a sailing vessel. From this time on, he has worked on a vast array of yachts that's taken him all around the globe - climbing the ranks, updating his skill set and qualifications to become a captain.
His lust for new experiences and adventures will be sure to make your time onboard E an unforgettable experience.
When he's not sailing, you'll find Josh under water scuba diving or climbing the highest peaks.

Name: Liudmila Kolomeitseva
Position: Chef
Languages: English, French, Russian

Liudmila's culinary journey began in her family's garden in Buryatia, where she discovered a love for food amidst fresh produce and family traditions. After earning a BA in business management, Liudmila embarked on a gastronomic adventure in Hong Kong, and later pursuing formal culinary training at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris. She then continued her career in the south of France, catering to UHNW clients on yachts and villas.
Her travels exposed her to diverse cuisines, inspiring her to craft healthy, delicious meals using local, organic ingredients. Liudmila's creative flair shines as she blends island flavours with global influences, accommodating various dietary needs with ease. Whether preparing traditional dishes or innovative creations, Liudmila's goal is always to deliver nutritious and satisfying meals that delight the guests’ palate.

Name: Nicole Billitz
Position: Stewardess
Languages: English, German

Nicole grew up in Miami, Florida, however she gained her Master’s in Europe. As a curious spirit, Nicole spent the last decade traveling the globe. Her independent adventures have led her around the world, across six continents, in a wide variety of service-oriented jobs.
She is confident that her exposure to multiple cultures, etiquettes and cocktails has equipped her with the skills required to help facilitate the warmest hospitality experience possible.
In her off time, Nicole travels from the water to the mountains and everywhere in between, enjoying the outdoors.

Sneed Yacht Charters.