Charter on August 8-22, 2024 in Corsica-Sardinia - European family of 8
Louana, Marina, Laurie, Gerald,
Vous avez fait de notre séjour un moment inoubliable. Tout était parfait, vous êtes géniaux.
Ne changez rien. On a hâte de vous retrouver!!!
Vous allez nous manquer!
I, T, M

To the best team ever!!
Merci pour tout! C'était vraiment magique!
Tant de rigolades, de moments inoubliables, de fous rires grace à vous!
Mon meilleur charter de loin. Vous m'avez réconcilié avec le bateau.
Vous êtes au top! Trop hâte de vous retrouver ASAP;
Je vous aime, R.

Durant tous nos périples en bateau, précédemment, nous n'aurions jamais pu espérer tomber sur une telle équipe.
Ces souvenirs que nous avons fait au cours de ce voyage resteront à jamais une de nos plus belles vacances.
Merci à tous pour votre bienveillance, patience et bonne humeur jour après jour.
Big love, S & O
Merci beaucoup

Hello cuties, Thank you for being the best crew ever and for making our holidays even better than expected.
Thanks you for being always there with kindness.
You're connected with us and it was great.
We had so much fun and I hope we'll see each other again soon in another adventure.
Love and good luck for the future!
CHARTER on July 5-12, 2024 in the Balearics - Group of 8 from France
CHARTER on July 5-12, 2024 in the Balearics - Group of 8 from France
Un immense merci à la dream team de SYLENE!
Des spots féeriques dans une super ambiance.
Nous avons passé un séjour de rêve. Nous nous sommes régalés.
Merci pour toutes ces attentions et ces souvenirs merveilleux que nous emportons.
Au plaisir de vous retrouver!

A huge thank you to SYLENE's dream team!
Enchanting spots in a great atmosphere.
We had a dream holiday. We really enjoyed ourselves.
Thank you for all your kindness and for the wonderful memories we'll be taking home with us.
Looking forward to seeing you again!
CHARTER on July 30 - AUG 4, 2024 in Amafli Coast - European family of 10
Brestois par mon père mais né à Paris, vous m'avez fait redécouvrir l'eau de mer que j'ai dans le sang!
Merci mille fois pour ce voyage familial italien, maitrise qui nous donne envie (une belle envie) de découverte d'autres parties du monde avec vous et votre superbe catamaran.
Tout cela dans l'ambiance sportive des JO 2024*.
Jamais nous oublierons! A bientôt donc ! T
*plus de TV que de baignades pour certains d'entre nous quand même!

Merci pour ces 5 jours inoubliables! La nourriture, les activités et votre compagnie.Tout était parfait. A très vitre, j'espère, V :)

Un immense merci pour ces quelques jours, Olympiques et ensolleillées! H.
Une croisière fort sympathique! Je vais avoir du mal à naviguer sur le bateau de mon père désormais!
Mention spéciale pour les activités nautiques, la cuisine délicieuse et les cocktails de Louana!
A bientôt, J

Merveilleux séjour grâce à vous tous.Longue vie à vous sur les flots indomptés et pourtant si obéissants.
Merci pour l'excellente cuisine et tous les soins bienveillants dont vous nous avez entourés.
En espérant vous revoir vite. v et EV

My father is from Brest, but I was born in Paris, and you've made me rediscover the seawater that's in my blood!
Thank you a thousand times over for this Italian family trip, a mastery that makes us want to discover other parts of the world with you and your superb catamaran.
All in the sporting atmosphere of the 2024* Olympics. We'll never forget! See you soon! T
*more TV than swimming for some of us though!
CHARTER on July 20-27, 2024 in North Sardinia - Group of 8 from Monaco
Un grand merci pour cette expérience extraordinaire!
Vous nous avez énormément gâtés en tant qu'équipe et votre hospitalité a été fantastique.
Merci mille fois et bon voyage à tous!
L, A, N, C, L, C & P
CHARTER on June 16-23, 2024 in the Balearics - Group of 10 from Swizerland
Nous avons eu la chance de louer plusieurs fois les bateaux.
Il ne fait aucun doute que ce voyage est le meilleur de tous.
Le bateau est exceptionnel mais il ne serait rien sans la qualité de son équipage et de son capitaine !
Ce fut un bonheur sur mer tous les jours avec toujours des sourires et de la bonne humeur pour nous accompagner !
Mille mercis et on espère à très bientôt ! J

We were lucky enough to charter the boats several times.
There's no doubt that this trip is the best of all.
The boat is exceptional, but it would be nothing without the quality of its crew and captain!
Every day was a joy at sea, always with smiles and good humor to accompany us!
Many thanks and we hope to see you soon! LJ
Charter on March 24-31, 2024 in St Martin area - Groupe of 10 from USA
Thank you to the amazing SYLENE crew!
We are so blessed to be served by you all, Gerald, Marina, Luana & Cloé.
We will miss the food and laughs with you all.
I love you crew + captain! G
Captain's team Sylene!
Wonderful hospitality, great teamwork. Amazing both party on a flydeck!
Thank you for a memorable trip ! R
Captain and crew!
Thank you for the great food and most successful boat rider. It will be a great memory to remember. Love ! M
Such fun! Thank you for the memorable time on a most beautiful boat!!
Loved the send of humour of all!
Unforgettable ! G
Thank you for the trip of a lifetime! We are so very grateful for the hospitality and the amazing MEMORIES!
With great love, appreciation, A
Charter on March 10-15, 2024 in St Martin area - group of 8 from USA
Thank you so much for everything! This vacation has been one of my favorites!
Your entire crew has been awesome and we loved every second.
Wish we could've stayed forever.
With love, G & J
Thank you so much!
We had a fantastic time from the food to the water activities;
I especially loved doing karaoke to "Le poisson"
Amazing crew, so much fun. So special, I don't want to leave!
You are all amazing!
Love , K & Z
CHARTER on Feb 25 - March 3, 2024 - St Lucia - Grenada - Group of 8 from New York
Aboard the Sylene, under skies so blue,
Aboard the Sylene, under skies so blue,
We sailed the Caribbean, a dream come true.
With the crew's care, so warm and sincere, In every smile, in every cheer.
Gerard's guidance, like a lighthouse's beam, Chloe's cuisine, a gourmet's dream.
Marina's laughter, light as the breeze,
Luanne's touch, ensuring comfort and ease.
From dawn's first light to evening's glow, Your dedication, ceaselessly on show.
Not just passengers, but cherished friends, On a journey we wished would never end.
The catamaran, with grace, did glide,
Across crystal waters, vast and wide.
Islands of paradise, in tranquil embrace, In our hearts, they've found a special place.
To Gerard, Chloe, Marina, and Luanne, so kind, For memories that will never end.
Your spirit and hospitality, a rare find, In our memories, forever entwined.
So here's to the Sylene, and her crew so fine, For a journey beyond the reach of time.
With gratitude, we look back and say,
Thank you for guiding us on our way.
Charter on February 3-11, 2024 in the Grenadines / Group from France
Capitaine, oh Capitaine!
le capitaine ne se mesure pas à la taille de son navire amis à la force se son équipage.
Marina toujours à 100% même à genoux à terre et surtout DJ incroyable.
Chloé qui a répondu à toutes nos envies et nos caprices .
Louana qui connait nos envies et qui maintenant les anticipe avec sa gentillesse et sa grâce naturelle.
Capitaine oh Capitaine - Gérald tu n'as jamais perdu le cap de ce qui va faire pour nous des souvenirs inoubliables dans ce paradis.
B & M
Un grand merci à l'équipage du SYLENE pour leur accueil chaleureux, leur attention aux détails et leur souci de notre confort durant cette magnifique croisière dans les Grenadines.
Vous avez fait de cette croisière un moment spécial gravé à jamais dans nos mémoires.
Gérald, Marina, Chloé et Louana ne changez rien!!!
G & S
Une semaine incroyable avec un équipage incroyable et un lieu incroyable !Merci pour tout
Merci pour ces magnifiques vacances dont les images resteront gravées à jamais!!! Le retour à la réalité va être très difficile. Nous avons vécu un rêve. Merci à tout l'équipage.
Un immense merci pour ces vacances dingues: Vous avez été aux petits soins du début à la fin!
Merci mille fois pour tout.
Un grand merci pour ce séjour magique à bord du magnifique SYLENE.
On s'attendait à être dépaysés, surpris, enchanté... notre souhait a été exaucé et bien au delà.
Merci capitaine Gerald pour cette incroyable organisation et votre bienveillance.
Merci à l'équipage, Marina, Louana et la cheffe Cloé pour leur gentillesse, leur bonne humeur et pour leur disponibilité.
P & P
Charter on Dec 28 - Jan 4, 2024 in St Martin / Group of 8 guests from UK
Mr S. and his family/friends had a wonderful time and were very complimentary of the yacht and crew.
They did have a great New Year charter.

Broker note: On a side note, I want to personally thank you for your exceptional management of this charter from start to finish.
I observed the back and forth with the planning and I was so impressed with you style and communication with the client.
I will be sure to continue to present SYLENE as an excellent charter option.
Charter on July 22-29, 2023 in Amafi Coast - family of 10 from Switzerland
Thank you for giving us an unforgettable vacation that we will all carry in our hearts forever.
The crew did surprised us with enthusiasm and dedication of all the aquatic activities!
The disco night appreciated by all was the perfect conclusion to this wonderful week aboard the Sylene!
Thank you, Gerald, Alexia, Marina and Lunana!

Thank you very much for this beautiful vacation and most important for beign so kind and careful with A. allergies.
Charter on July 10 - 20, 2023 in Amalfi Coast - 10 guests from Peru
The best vacations ever !!! One week was not enough time to share with this wonderful crew.
Since the moment we step in the boat,everyone was so welcoming! Through all of our days here there was always a 1001 disposition to make us feel comfortable and happy!
The captain is very knowadeable about all the best spots to swim n the Coast and he is always happy about helping the guests do water sports. He is alaways taking care of all the people while swimming and making sure that everyone is safe. Captain Gerald's good mood, easiness and contaging positive vibe is awesome! and such an importanT part of the experience.
Alexia and her cooking skills... oh my god! all the snacks and dinners were not only delicious but beautifly decorated. She was always spoiling us with things that we liked ans was very creative with all her selecton of paltes! She is so caring and is always creative to make us feel at home .
Marina is 24/7 taking care of everyone at the boat! Plus, she has a great sense of humor. Marina also has great dance skills that she showed us when organizing a super fun party with Luna always smiling ans always ready to help us have some fun in the sea.Lunan is a sweatheart and always positive and smiling. Thank you for all the amazing cocktails.

This is a beautiful yacht but real beauty is in the magic that this extraordinary crew gives to it. Thank you for a wonderful vacation and for ginign us so much of all of you.
charter on May 17,21, 2023 in the French Riviera / A group of 10 from Switzerland
“I had a debrief with my client this morning, and despite the rather unfavourable weather conditions the past few days, he appeared to be very pleased with their stay.
He mentioned that they could not fault the crew for trying to go above and beyond to ensure guests were comfortable and he wishes to thank the Owner again for the generous offer of an additional days’ stay, as well as helping to secure the allusive table at La Vague d’Or on the Saturday evening.
Crew were incredibly respectful of guests’ private space and made sure noise levels were kept to a minimum during breakfast set-up.
Huge thanks again for all your amazing work.”
Charter on Juy 1-8, 2023 in Amalfi Coast - 10 guests
The week just flew by an we enjoyed every moment. Beautiful landscapes, dreamy italian villages and the kindest people, cristal clear waters all roundest off by the great cuisine prepared with so much love by our excellent Chef Alexia.
The captain Gerald found lovely places for us to stay the night and enjoy the water. Knowing the area perfectly, he showed us all the must seas and the secret spots.
Marina was not only the perfect deck-hand but also our determined fitness coach who created wave friends but demanding workouts for us.
Last but not least Alexia's daughter Loanna was not only a superb stewardess who catered us to our every needs, surrounding drinks and dinning but even provided excellent massages making the week even more relaxing.
days filled with harmony, laughs and joy in a group of wonderful friends and a perfect crew.
We will always remember. Thank you for everything !
Charter on June 24-30, 2023 in Amalfi Coast - Family of 4 from USA
Many thanks to the crew of Sylene!
This is a holiday that will be forever remembered as one of the brst. Thank you!
While the boat is magnificient it is the crew taht made it most memorable. You all will be the most we will miss the most.
We have found a home away from homein the Sylene and an extended family in the crew. Captain Gerald and his guidance expertise is most appreciated. His story telling laughter alaways a pleasure to be around.
Chef Alexia and her along with kindness filled not only our stomackes but our heart as well.
Marina and her funny funny disposition always close by to assist the captain and to provide us with anything we need.
The lovely Louana who kept everything in perfect order, taking order in all she did.
This crew is a team that works well together an their professionalism is something we admire, respect.
Letting to know you all on a personal level was a gift!
Thank you, we hope to sail with you all again soon!
The M. family

Sneed Yacht Charters.